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Letter: Setting the record straight

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
I am writing to respond to several recent letters claiming that School Board member Lorraine Forrest refused, in 2021, to answer a question about the teaching of Critical Race Theory in Mathews schools. Like so much misinformation that is promoted today on social media and by those who want to create fear and confusion, this is not true.
The question to Forrest was, “answer yes or no, do you support teaching CRT in schools?” She declined to respond to the yes-or-no format because of several reasons: CRT is not being taught in Mathews schools or any K-12 schools in Virginia; the question is often used by politicians who provide no details about what CRT is (a college-based curriculum) and who want to create false choices; who ignore what actually is being taught as part of history and social studies lesson materials in our classrooms; and who do not want to get into details or facts.
When extremists start providing the actual language they claim is so offensive ...

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