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Letter: Seeking a second chance

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
My name is Jeremy Adams, aka “Frog.” My family and I have lived in Gloucester the majority of my life. It is a great, safe and wholesome place to live … unless you let drugs and crime flush your life down the toilet.
Now I wake up in prison at 36 about to come home, starting over from scratch, with very little hope of a bright future. That scares me to death. I don’t ever want to live like this or put my family through this pain and embarrassment again. All I want is to be a respected, productive member of society. Obviously, that will require hard work and dedication.
It will also require the community to give me a chance to not be judged on my past, my looks and my reputation and to show the man I am now. Forgive the foolishness of my past and get to know me through my actions now (or soon, anyway). Give me one chance to reinvent and prove myself as the man my parents raised me to be and that Jeremy is here and “Frog” is h...

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