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Letter: Rising to the challenge

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
It is that time of year to recognize our EMS providers everywhere and we especially want to honor the members of the Mathews Volunteer Rescue Squad for their dedicated call to “Rise to the Challenge”—the 2022 EMS Week slogan.
National EMS Week (May 15-21) is our opportunity to thank every Mathews Volunteer Rescue Squad medical provider for being there to care for us, their neighbors and friends, whenever we call for help—be it day or night, weekends or holidays—under any and all circumstances, even when helping others might jeopardize their own well-being, not to mention giving up time with their families and loved ones.
They have been there these past couple of years during the pandemic and they continue to be there as this virus disrupts and affects the lives of our citizens. Rest assured, our EMS providers will continue to care for the needs of Mathews County citizens and visitors alike.
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