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Letter: Reintroduce bears

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
I am 76 years of age. My father was raised in lower Gloucester but I only recently came to the county. My father often told me of the wolves and bears that once roamed our county.
The first settlers hunted them for game and fur along with the Indian peoples. How strange that we hunted these beasts right out of the county. They go up into King and Queen and Middlesex counties, but do not go into Gloucester. Why?
This new administration coming into the White House may not care about it, but if they put these beasts back in the woods, we know how our nature will change. My father’s ancestors saw the beasts back in Coleman and Piney swamps and a balanced planet it sure seemed.
Is there truly not enough space in this town for the two of us?
Mary Beale-RichardsonHayes, Va.

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