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Letter: Register, then vote

Every vote counts.
This is one of those years when voter turnout tends to be light. The First District Congressional race is on the ballot in both Gloucester and Mathews, and one school board seat in Mathews.
The general election is Tuesday, Nov. 8. Early voting has already started at registrar’s offices in both counties.
Registration is underway in those places also and can also be done online through the state elections website, The deadline is Monday, Oct. 17.
Voting is our one big chance to have a say in what happens in our community, our state, our nation. Each ballot cast, whether it is for a winning or losing candidate, sends a message to those who do get into office. It lets them know how we feel about the issues of the day, our priorities and where we want our tax dollars to go. It sets the stage for everything from national defense to repairing potholes.
We should only get to complain about the results if we cast our ballots. Those who sit at home...

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