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Letter: Recognizing exceptional teachers

Editor, Gazette Journal:
During the April Mathews School Board meeting each year, we on the school board have the privilege of recognizing the Teachers of the Year. One of the reasons this is an exceptional recognition is because these teachers are selected by their peers; their contemporaries. As outlined below, each of these teachers have unique strengths that they bring to the classroom.
This year, the following teachers were chosen to receive the Teacher of the Year tribute:
Mathews Elementary School: Judy Emanuel. Ms. Emanuel, a pre-K teacher, had the best fan club present at the meeting when she was recognized; four of her students. Thank you, parents, for taking the time to bring your child to this event. It was most evident by the actions of the students, that Ms. Emanuel was beloved. Even though she and her family have experienced significant personal challenges over the last year, she continued to come to the classroom each day prepared to teach. It was clear that her young s...

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