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Letter: Put humanity back into the process

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
A man pulls out a gun and threatens to kill his wife. She is able to grab her 1-year-old and run to the neighbor’s house. She pounds on the door, the neighbor opens it and slams it in her face, then calls 911. The police come, arrest the woman and take her 1-year-old away. The child is then put on a plane with several other children and flown to an unknown location a few thousand miles away. The child has no identification and the mother is given nothing to verify her child’s identity or location.
This sounds like the beginning of a novel set in a third-world country. The problem is, it’s happening here, in the United States of America—the country that used to welcome immigrants and those seeking asylum. But that America has, for the time being, fallen asleep.
People are quick to say that people seeking asylum who come to the approved border crossings are not separated from their children. That simply is not true, according to reporters ...

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