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Letter: Pushing an agenda

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
A group of 80+ year-old politicians with absolutely no scruples are using the tragedy in Ukraine to push their climate agenda in the United States. Inflation is at a 40-year high and Ukraine has been invaded by Russia. Both are directly connected to the energy policies of the Biden administration.
On day one in office, Biden canceled the permits for the Keystone KL pipeline and disallowed new exploration and recovery of our oil reserves here in the United States. Energy is the base ingredient of everything else we buy. When the price of oil goes up, so do all other prices.
We are now negotiating with autocratic regimes in Venezuela and Iran to buy their oil so they can continue to oppress their people and, in Iran’s case, fund terror and pay for the killing of people in Yemen because of Iran’s proxy war with Saudi Arabia. Apparently, one of the first casualties of dementia is one’s conscience, and these 80-year-old multi-millionaires pursue their agenda with un...

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