Editor, Gazette-Journal:
It is graduation season, from the kindergartener to the college graduate and everyone in between.
Within the circle of graduates is another that should receive an equal amount of praise and recognition—the GED graduate. Having worn cap and gown just as proudly, this individual may stand taller and seem prouder than graduates of comparable studies because in addition to book knowledge, each has life knowledge that helped him/her earn the “right” to become a GED graduate.
This is the story of a group of 11 GED graduates who received their educational support from Adult Literacy on the Middle Peninsula, Inc., who wore the flowing robe and mortarboard before their selected audience of family and friends, who returned to work the next day ready to shout to the world, “Look at me!” but kept their joys of success within and did a good day’s work knowing what they had become.
Adult Literacy on the Middle Peninsula, Inc., is relativel...
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