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Letter: Protecting our youth

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
Whatever happened to reading, writing and arithmetic? This is what used to be taught in our schools. The place for children 3 years old and younger is at home with their parents, learning the fundamentals of life, not at the mercy of a unionized school system that has become so radical it is almost criminal.
Hitler once said “give me your youth and they will be mine forever.” Is this the direction we are headed? What is this new word “woke”? Everything I’ve learned about it reeks of communism. I would rather my grandchildren not be associated with this filth.
Maybe it’s time to bail out of the public school system, which is becoming more and more unaffordable, and direct our resources toward the private schools, which are gaining in popularity and provide a decent, proper education.
We need to turn this ship around before it’s too late and our children are lost to this crazy movement. The authors behind this movement are wearing blinders and the only way to att...

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