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Letter: Program needs a shot in the arm

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
The schedule for vaccination of the American people is terribly under planned and under executed. We were supposed to have had 20 million people vaccinated by the end of 2020, yet have barely exceeded three million. I have seen no plan to increase the current level being vaccinated.
I propose every one of our 50 states activate their National Guards to assist current health care professionals who are working their butts off and getting nowhere slowly. And what has not been discussed at all is how this same group is going to continue current vaccinations and administer second required vaccinations at the same time. If necessary, the president could additionally declare a national emergency and activate as many active duty military as is necessary to get this job done.
I would like to see medical teams set up across this country working on a 24-hour schedule, seven days a week. If we need additional medical personnel to administer the shots, train new ones specif...

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