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Letter: Pride and enthusiasm

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
This past Thursday, we took part in a school tour of Mathews Elementary, Thomas Hunter Middle and Mathews High School hosted by Superintendent Dr. David Daniel and the Mathews County School Board.
Like many, we are aware of the challenges and the struggles our schools have been experiencing. On Thursday however, we did not see those struggles; instead, we saw kids engaged in learning supported by enthusiastic and talented administrators, teachers and staff.
In each division, we had the opportunity to visit a few classrooms and talk to teachers about their particular programs. From the inviting and wonderful atmosphere created in Ms. Ewell’s library to a visit to Michelle Williams’ CTE class where her students learn practical skills of navigating the world around them. We also spent time with Amber Williams who teaches programming, coding and computer skills to elementary students.
In the high school, we witnessed independent learning in the media center and wal...

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