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Letter: Pledges sought for track chair for veteran

Editor, Gazette-Journal:

I am seeking to raise $12,000 to purchase a track chair for a wounded veteran. These chairs allow a veteran to move about outside the home on rough terrain, and allow the veteran to have an improved outlook on life.

Kim Hibbs, owner/operator of the Courthouse Restaurant in Gloucester, has agreed to hold pledges (in a pledge jar) at the restaurant, open for inspection by everyone. Anonymous pledges will be assigned a number.

Once the pledge total exceeds $12,000, Kim and I will call the contributors and ask for their pledged amount. The track chair will be purchased from a dealer who covers Virginia.

The recipient of the chair will soon be identified—his/her story will be sent to the pledgees.

Please make a pledge by dropping your name (and contact information) in the pledge jar at the restaurant or by calling me (804-824-8859) or Kim (804-210-1506).

I know this will make you feel better about yourself as I already do.

Donald C. Tolefson


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