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Letter: Please show respect for wildlife

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
I read with dismay the letter from the Newells of Cardinal (“Young birds frightened,” July 10 Readers Write), who observed two young people in kayaks scaring their three young ospreys. We too enjoy watching the ospreys raising their young just off our front dock on Horn Harbor.
In the past few years, more and more large sport fishing boats, ski boats and jet skis have been speeding down the Harbor. The ski boats and jet skis circle in front of our property and speed back towards the bay, creating large wakes for their riders to jump or bounce over.
The fishing boats (not the watermen, but the sport fishermen) that speed in and out of the Harbor also create resounding wakes. This activity generates chaos in the Harbor, weakening the delicate wetlands and disturbing the wildlife. It also presents a danger for slower boats such as sailboats that we have seen almost swamped by large sport fishing boats moving by at over 40 mph. This is inexcusable behav...

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