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Letter: One crisis after the next

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
No one man has done more to destroy this country than Joe Biden. I cannot stress that enough. I can only imagine what our country will be like if he is elected in November. From one crisis to the next, it just keeps getting worse.
First there was the Afghanistan debacle where billions of dollars of military equipment were left behind according to the Pentagon report. And 13 soldiers came home deceased and more injured due to the debacle.
Then there was Russia invading Ukraine where it could be argued would never have happened had Trump been in office. Thousands of lives are being killed on both sides and still no foreign policy, strategy or attempts at ending the war on Biden’s part. The only thing he wants to do is throw more and more money at it without any accounting as to where that money is going. Just another endless war.
Biden has unleashed one international disaster after another by appeasing Iran and waiving Iran sanction which gave Iran billions in fu...

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