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Letter: Obscene flags

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
We recently watched our first deadrise boat docking contest, held at Williams Wharf in Mathews. The event was well organized, well attended, and the boat captains and crew were well prepared. The hard work of the volunteers was obvious and appreciated!
With these accolades comes my distain for the obscene flags shown. Yes, freedom of expression is a right we all enjoy, but why must some display vulgar language on flags as well on bumper stickers, clothing, etc.? I wonder how do these same people explain these obscenities to their children, grandchildren, and yes, to their parents?
English is a language with many descriptive words. Let’s all strive to use them in place of obscenity.
Ask yourself: Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
Molly BrodersonNorth, Va.

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