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Letter: Not all Americans feel the same way

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
I read with much humor the letter from Dr. Jennette (“Essential to control pandemic,” July 22 Readers Write). While his message about vaccinations may be welcome by some, not all Americans feel the same way.
He failed to discuss the over 400,000 people that have complained about side effects, from minor effects to death. I question the facts concerning President Trump supporters. He claims that 92% of people in 13 states voted for President Trump. If 92% of the population of 13 states voted for President Trump, then we would have a competent leader now.
The facts gleaned from the internet do not support the claims. Detroit, hardly Trump country, is at 40% vaccinations, Atlanta is at 40.3%. Perhaps, Doctor Jennette, American citizens are confused by the myriad of different information coming from the medical community, and will not take the shot until it is FDA approved and the medical and political communities, lately one in the same, come together for the good...

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