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Letter: Northam turning Virginia into sanctuary state

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
Gov. Ralph Northam is turning Virginia into a sanctuary state, slowly but surely. 
House Bill 19 removed the requirement for picture ID when voting. Northam is also attempting to allow illegal criminal aliens to have Virginia driver’s licenses. When you combine the two, it is obvious that Northam and his accomplices are working toward allowing illegals to vote.
Look to any other sanctuary city or state and you will find that American citizens are paying 100 percent of the bill for these criminals that are here illegally.
I believe that now is the time to let the people in leadership positions in Richmond know that we Virginia citizens will not allow our taxes to be raised to pay for the left to violate the law, for votes. I do not want my taxes to go to pay for food stamps, free health care, special dispensation when the illegals break the law and welfare. My taxes are paid to support my fellow Americans. I do not pay taxes to support criminals that ...

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