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Letter: Northam for governor

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
The Republicans know, and have used successfully in their campaigns, the fact that the economy is one of the most important factors for voters. So, would Ed Gillespie be the best person as Governor to look after the economic interests of the Middle Peninsula? It is doubtful.
Mr. Gillespie’s ties to Virginia are merely as a commuter from Northern Virginia to his Washington lobbying firm. He has no management experience, no true involvement with the people of the Commonwealth, and no “real” job experience.
He is the classic Washington insider. While being a non-native Virginian should certainly not be held against him (he is from New Jersey), a better description is political hack. He ran unsuccessfully for a senate position and now is running for governor; he cares more about gaining political power than helping the people of the Commonwealth.
He tries to distance himself from Donald Trump because he knows most Virginians did not vote for the p...

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