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Letter: No need to resort to personal attacks

Editor, Gazette-Journal:

Although Mrs. Hernandez may have a valid point that the Mathews library does not have an area for a student and tutor to meet (see her letter of Aug. 8), there is no need to resort to personally attacking the character of the library staff. It seems that the staff did make an attempt to accommodate her daughter and her tutor as best they could.

Personally I am not sure that someone who is charging for his services (I assume the tutor was getting paid) should be running his business in the library’s meeting room. In the future the tutor should reserve the room and pay the fee as outlined in the library policy. I also feel that the Gazette-Journal should raise its standards and not publish letters where the writer unfairly insults another person. The library staff are county employees and deserve to be treated with courtesy and respect.

Marilynn Zauner

Hayes, Va.

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