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Letter: Nelson for Gloucester School Board

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
I am writing to express and offer my support for Elisa Nelson, candidate for the Gloucester County School Board. I have known Elisa since she was six years old. She is an honest, kind, thoughtful and intelligent human being.
She is dependable and conscientious in everything she does. She serves her duties as a school board member with common sense and forethought. Most importantly, she puts children first. What she believes is best for children will trump any other factor.
Elisa has represented the children of Gloucester and the school system in previous years by serving as TC Walker PTA President and is currently the Vice Chairman of the New Horizons Regional Education Centers Board of Trustees. She has already proven herself as a valuable member of the School Board for the past four years and is now serving as Vice-Chair.
I encourage the citizens of the York District of Gloucester to consider Elisa Nelson as our representative on the Gloucester County School ...

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