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Letter: My hero is Jesus

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
I had someone save me from death more than once. Cancer, motorcycle wrecks, motorcycle mechanical malfunctions that happened just after a dangerous ride(s) and who knows how many times while riding under the influence that He protected me apart from my knowledge.
This same person also gave His own Life to save me from what the Bible refers to as “Gehenna” commonly known as hell. You may not believe in either hell or God, but I’ve spent a great deal of time studying “near death experiences” and there are thousands who will confirm its reality. My Hero in question is Jesus.
Not only has He saved me countless times from my own stupidity, but He has broken the chains of my addiction, blessed me with health, wealth (not all that’s gold is true wealth), peace, joy and Love that at one time were light years beyond my imagination. I cannot begin to fathom why anyone who knows this Hero of mine would not publicly thank Him for His service.
Six letters of thanks in the G...

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