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Letter: Music, art essential in education

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
I am writing out of serious concern for the arts and for the role and value of music and art in general student experience.
Musical practice and learning have been a core component of education for thousands of years. Music is a universal language! This was understood by the Pythagoreans, ancient Greeks, Chinese, early Europeans, et cetera. Call it “Classical Education” if you like. Point being, music education can be considered to be intrinsic to motives of higher learning.
First off, the middle school in Mathews does not have compulsory music education. This is a tragedy for both the students and the community. Music is a universal language where man meets to commune with nature, culture and the cosmos. Compulsory music education is vital to the logic and sensibilities of future adults.
Secondly, while the middle schoolers are being moved toward block scheduling for next year, to double down on math and English, their choice for elective courses is diminished...

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