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Letter: Moving forward

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
Returning from an extended trip and reading four issues of my favored Gazette-Journal, I see from the letters to the editors that our far-left Dems and Rino are undone by the “re-constitutionalizing” of our near-death nation by our brave new President and Administration.
It is frightening for some, imagining fearful paramilitary forces roaming about, etc. For others, like myself, it is exhilarating as the cry of freedom, improved finances and sanity begins to return. By the time 2026 arrives after 110 years of determined attacks by both parties and their media, We the People will be experienced, re-educated and empowered enough to hold fast to our promised renewed freedoms and responsibilities for the foreseeable future, not just one elected administration.
The responsibilities of living within One Nation, Under God, provides options and choices for all. I highly recommend carrying a pocket version of the Constitution. Know your rights. Let our commitments empo...

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