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Letter: Miracles

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
In the Old Testament, God performed miracles to show that He was God and that He had authority over what He had created.
The prophet Isaiah stated that the Promised Messiah would be Immanual “God with us.” Jesus proved He was the Promised Messiah by fulfilling prophecies, healing people and performing miracles. He also proved that He was God by performing miracles similar to those God had performed.
The following are some of them:
God fed the Israelites when they were without food in the wilderness. Jesus fed 5,000 Jews (Mark 6:35-44) and 4,000 Gentiles (Mark 8:1-9).
God stopped the storm when Jonah was thrown overboard (Jonah 1:11-15). Jesus stopped a storm that came up when He and His disciples were at sea (Mark 4:35-41).
God commanded a large fish to swallow Jonah (Jonah 1:17). Jesus commanded fish to be where He told Peter to fish (Luke 5:4-6).
God commanded the Red Sea to part so the Israelites could cross. Jesus commanded the water to support Him and Pete...

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