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Letter: Mari Gibbs for school board

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
America is in a real battle to protect its children and thus its future. Whether murders in the city streets or educational systems commandeering their sexuality and identities, we are losing the children. Add to that a level of “wokeness” that warps their ability to use reason and develop confidence.
School boards can be a stopgap to offer some protections. As overseers of curriculum and policies, the board has an opportunity to offer accountability and transparency as well as utilizing parents in this effort to protect the children.
Locally, school boards resist changes to this dangerous direction. However, Mari Gibbs is running for the Mathews School Board. If elected, she will utilize her Doctorate in Educational Leadership, specializing in Curriculum and Instruction, along with encouraging transparency of instructional practices and parental involvement. Supported and encouraged by the Mathews Republican Committee and Congressman Rob Wittman, I urge you to...

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