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Letter: Loving people, no matter what

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
I would like to recognize Apostles Lutheran Church as they celebrate their one-year anniversary of being a Reconciling in Christ (RIC) Community in Gloucester County. Their discernment to make the RIC designation for their congregation took place over three years and culminated in a congregational vote at the end of last March, affirming their commitment to reconciling work in our local neighborhoods. They have faithfully taken up the challenge of extending intentional welcome to those who are members of marginalized groups.
It is not easy, in our contemporary world, to form a consensus over things the media has deemed “political.” Yet, Apostles Lutheran, within their own diversity of opinion, has chosen to honor St. Paul’s admonition that “in Christ there is no longer Jew or Greek, slave or free, male or female” and establish a welcoming place for all people. They have risen above party and politics and committed themselves to God’s work in the world: loving p...

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