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Letter: Look at Wittman’s record

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
The Sept. 22, 2022 issue of the Gazette-Journal had an appropriate front-page article for voters to consider during the upcoming midterm election.
The article reported that at their Sept. 20 meeting, the Gloucester Board of Supervisors allocated $714,826 of the county’s American Rescue Plan Act 2021 funds for sewage pumping station number 11 critical repairs. The BOS then voted to allocate $907,753, representing the balance of county ARPA county funds, to renovate Woodville Park. The total amount of ARPA funds allocated to the Gloucester County, via this legislation, was $4,221,048.
I believe this information is important for voters to know for it is my contention that public officials elected to represent us should support legislation that benefits our area. Representative Wittman voted against enacting ARPA and continues to vote in lockstep with the members of his party rather than supporting the district he represents. For example, he voted for the “2017 Pro...

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