We want to take a moment to recognize some local Mathews heroes. Five days a week, these ladies show up at the Mathews High School early to cook a hot meal for Meals on Wheels recipients. Each person receiving these meals gets a hot meal, dessert, and a drink to be delivered by various volunteers.
After these meals are prepared, only then do they begin preparing meals for the students of the school. Mrs. Nelda Gibbs heads up this effort, but her crew makes it all happen day after day. Other locations with Meals on Wheels get a cold, prepackaged meal, but these ladies ensure that each recipient gets a nutritious hot meal.
Mathews County is so fortunate to have such dedicated folks who take care of our county residents who are less fortunate. Thank you, Nelda and all of your staff for your hard work and dedication. We also salute the many volunteers who also give their time to deliver meals each day. We are so honored to deliver these meals and see the reaction and gratification of those receiving them each day.
Dan and Carla Hill
Gwynn, Va.