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Letter: Life is too short

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
I got so mad last year what people were doing to Confederate statues and monuments that I wrote my first letter to the paper, “Thou shalt not change history.”
I never understood the point of worrying about what had happened way back in the past, when everyone should be more focused on what’s going on now.
I might be handicapped with cerebral palsy, but I stand proud on what God has does for us in the world.
Why can’t they stop Black Lives Matter and changing our school and street names that were proudly named after soldiers like Robert Lee? It’s not going to change anything nor get any of you anywhere at all. Not just black lives matter, but all lives matter.
Life as we know it is too short for all this. Why don’t we stop the craziness and live out the rest of our lives in peace and harmony like God had intended for us to do from the beginning?
I’m enjoying every bit of my life by hanging out with my best friends Bryce and Ray, along with going to church and re...

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