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Letter: Legacy for Citizens formed; endorsements

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
As I announce my resignation as President of the Gloucester Branch of The NAACP, I also want to announce my new role as President of The Legacy for Gloucester Citizens. We must use every avenue available to us to unite the people in this county and in this country. We must continue to fight for equality in all areas for all people.
Ask the tough questions. What is being done to prevent bullying in our schools? What is being done to prevent children from following other children around making monkey-like noises and gestures? What is being done to assure education and everyone’s history is being taught?
Why aren’t children taught Spanish and English beginning in the first grade? Why, with the increase of mass murders, would anyone think it is appropriate to bring weapons to any meeting, much less a school board meeting? Why was NAACP annual Freedom Fund banquet “postponed” to another year when the committee had the keynote speakers, deposits on the venue and ente...

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