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Letter: Leaving shoes impossible to fill

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
Last week, we lost two very valued members of our community. Mary Alice and Charlie Woerner moved to Virginia Beach to be nearer family, and their many Gloucester friends mourn their leaving and our loss.
Mary Alice and Charlie have for years been an integral part of religious, civic and social organizations in our county and in our state. They constantly volunteered in so many ways but will be especially remembered for their culinary contributions in more fundraising events than our waistlines care to remember.
The Woerners unselfishly gave of their time, talents and money. Untold hours were spent in committee meetings, shopping for the freshest ingredients, preparing food (no pre-processed food for this chef), serving as chairman, president, commodore, chef, chauffeur, cleaner-upper, support group, and the list goes on.
All of us who know Mary Alice and Charlie consider ourselves very fortunate to be their friend. We shall miss having them close by, but are h...

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