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Letter: Leave the Seabreeze Restaurant alone

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
Mathews County Board of Supervisors, What are you thinking?! Leave the Seabreeze alone!
Our citizens can take their family out to dinner at the Seabreeze Restaurant and depend on good food, properly prepared local seafood, reasonable prices and a relaxed, friendly atmosphere. Family and friends gather there and conversation and laughter flow, often from table to table.
Folks come to the Seabreeze on their boats in the casual dress they have had on probably all day. If we wanted to get all dressed up and pay big bucks for dinner, we can go to Williamsburg! “Our” County Administrator sounds as though there is some kind of vendetta in play here regardless of the impact on the interests and desires of our local citizens.
In the best interest of Our county and Our people, activate Mr. Galluzzi’s original lease agreement and let us enjoy Our Seabreeze. 
Carolyn B. Hudgins
Hallieford, Va.

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