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Letter: Killing our children

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
Virginia will suffer more mass shootings.
Why? First, few Virginia politicians are not willing to publicly say “sensible gun laws and the 2nd Amendment are compatible.”
Second, truth is lost in lies and half-truths fed by the gun lobby and some right-wing politicians.
Third, the right-wing propaganda machine has set its hair on fire claiming, “They (not telling who or identifying them) are coming for your guns.”
In fact, no one is coming for anyone’s gun.
Fourth, Virginia has a sovereign immunity law, which limits the most the state can be sued for to $100,000. As a result, there is no incentive to end the violence. If preventive measures are not taken and a shooting occurs, the most the state can be sued for is $100,000 per victim.
The above helps explain why there is little hope for ending the massacres.
Voters unwilling to question what they are being told compounds the problem. These voters’ minds and ears are closed to possible constructive measures to hel...

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