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Letter: Keep Gloucester beautiful

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
The Gloucester Clean Community Committee is a group of concerned residents who work together to preserve the natural beauty of Gloucester by reducing litter on the roadways and byways of the county.
Accordingly, the GCCC has decided to expand Clean Gloucester Day to take place twice a year. This year, the fall cleanup will be on Oct. 14 from 8 a.m. to noon. As has been our past practice, cleanup supplies will be available next to the Main Street library and at the parking lot adjacent to the Waste Management Convenience Center on Guinea Road in Hayes. We encourage all residents who feel as we do about litter and its impact on our county to assist us with trying to keep Gloucester beautiful.
Please join us or contact the Clean Community Office at 804-693-5370 for more information.
Buzz Perkins
Chair, GCCC
Gloucester, Va.

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