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Letter: Keep Christ in Christmas

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
A few years ago, Newington Baptist Church had a few nativity sets extra after decorating the church. One of the ladies suggested offering them to the people living in a nursing home they often visited. The nativity sets were enthusiastically accepted, and we started having a new ministry of acquiring nativity sets for that nursing home.
Some people donated nativity sets and we began purchasing them from thrift stores, yard sales, etc. They came in all sizes, although we preferred medium-to-small, since nursing homes have relatively small rooms.
Last year (and again this year), we decided to offer the extra and wrong-sized ones to the congregation. This year, our bulletin reads “Christmas Nativity Set Outreach. If you have a friend, neighbor, co-worker or family member whom you think could benefit from receiving a free Christmas nativity set, please take a set and bless your friend or loved one. These can also be great spiritual conversation starters about the t...

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