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Letter: Is it still 2016?

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
It seems the Democrats’ playbook is the same as 2016. Hate Trump, but now it is also Hate Elon Musk. They lost the 2024 election, yet they still stay stuck in the sand with the same old tactics. It doesn’t seem possible the Democrats would continually criticize, scream, swear, protest, and file lawsuits against Trump and Elon. They have no intention of working with Republicans. We even have members of Congress and the Senate on the streets protesting. How embarrassing for our nation and themselves who look like children having a tantrum because they are not getting their way!
As president, Trump has the power to appoint Elon for the task of auditing our government agencies. Those who yell the loudest are usually the ones who are hiding something they do not wish to find. Their only objective is to smear and create fear now that Trump is president again.
Republicans are feeling joy and know things are going to turn around as quickly as President Trump can accomp...

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