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Letter: Is Common Core a good idea?

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
Unless stopped, it is only a matter of time before the nationalized education scheme known as Common Core ensnares virtually every student in America. Home schoolers, private-schooled children, and even students in states that have refused to participate, such as Virginia, will likely all be impacted by Common Core, sometimes without even being aware of it.
With Common Core:
We will have complete federally governed education (Consider: Mandated government schools is one of the planks in Karl Marx’s Communist Manifesto).
The few classics allowed are books promoting a socialist agenda. Their standards force existing ones to be dumbed down. Mathematics standards are very low.
Nothing is taught about the Declaration of Independence or how the Constitution provides for protecting God-given rights.
There is a steady stream of propaganda on everything from the theory of evolution to debunked theories on U.N. global-warming and imagined human impacts on “cl...

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