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Letter: Immature behavior

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
I am writing to express concern about the conduct of Mathews supervisors Hudgins, Jones and Walls at the April 26 board meeting. Take heed, gentlemen: turning your backs on a citizen because you don’t like what she says showed without a doubt the level of your immature behavior.
Pretending that you don’t have to respond to research and factual information, you ignored a person who cares enough about the county to spend hours of her own time uncovering evidence and public records that affect public policies! In our personal lives, we can act to avoid this kind of behavior but you were elected to hold the public trust and we must try to work around your egos to understand the real issues.
You will eventually have to account for your actions but meanwhile I urge all citizens to attend board meetings or watch online to see for yourself what is happening.
Ellen BernsdorfHudgins, Va.

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