Editor, Gazette-Journal:
I would like to thank VP Kamala Harris for her campaign to restore hope and joy to the American people. Unfortunately for her, we saw that dream and voted overwhelmingly for President Donald J. Trump.
We are once again united in our return to transparency, integrity, justice for all, and to stand by the Constitution which provides us with a foundation for the democracy we hold dear. Thank God for answering our prayers. God Bless America and God Bless our World.
Biden took no questions, was never transparent and caused division, not unity. He opened our borders, allowed criminals to go free, called Republicans domestic terrorists, fostered wars not ended wars, and ruined our economy.
Biden turned the page concerning the tragedy in Palestine, Ohio. He turned the page on the hurricane which affected so many lives in North Carolina, Florida and Georgia. Now we have fires in Los Angeles still raging across this city. Where is President Biden? Where is Kamala? Has Ne...
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