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Letter: Hometown heroes

Editor, Gazette-Journal:

On Friday, June 14, two neighbors in our community responded to an early morning hour cry for help when taking their dog out before daylight. It was unknown where the cry was coming from. We live on a creek and the voice seemed to be coming from somewhere in the water, from a distance.

Teresa Whiting and her husband, Ren, yelled that help was coming when, in fact, they had to get in their car and find the person. After going from place to place, they found a woman in the water near a dock, not her own. In fact, she did not live on the creek, but rather on the next creek over. Ren Whiting quickly jumped into chest-deep water to hold her up until law enforcement arrived. An unknown officer jumped into the water to assist getting her to shore.

This situation could have ended much differently if Teresa Whiting had not been outside and heard cries for help and diligently responded. We want to publicly thank both of them for doing what is right and for thei...

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