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Letter: Helping hands lift us up

Editor, Gazette-Journal:

Two recent events remind me of the amazing community which we are blessed to call home. First, about three weeks ago Hands Across Mathews (HAM) received an urgent request from a person in a wheelchair for repair of a trailer roof that had apparently completely failed, and water was coming in every time it rained. 

After they notified their “repair team” and after inspecting the roof, it was clear that it had to be replaced. The estimated cost was $7,000. After talking with a few people in Mathews, within three days HAM had $2,500 from Mathews County Against Poverty, the same amount from the Mathews Community Foundation and $1,000 each from the Mathews Rotary Club and Mathews Social Services. The next week the roof was replaced and this disabled person now has a dry and safer place to live. 

Second, this past week, the HAM truck came back from the Hampton Food Bank without canned goods and dry goods. People at HAM put the word out through social media, several organizations and individuals to help them stock the shelves for distribution on their normal Wednesday date. By the next morning, they had enough on hand to provide food for 173 people! That response was amazing and the community is continuing to make certain that Hands Across Mathews can accomplish its ongoing mission. A big thank you to everyone for the kindness you have shown to Hands Across Mathews and the people they serve in our community.

Ron Lambert
Mathews County Against Poverty
North, Va.