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Letter: Health insurance cancelled

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
I was told that if I liked my health insurance I could keep it. Mine was effectively cancelled after 40 years by the return of my last paid premium on April 7.
I was told that pre-existing conditions no longer mattered with health care eligibility. I tried to get temporary insurance yesterday to carry me over until I qualify for the Health Care Exchange on May 1. I was declined because of pre-existing conditions. I can’t buy insurance at any price from any insurer.
Now, in a country where my taxes help pay the Medicaid cost for 72 million poor, disabled and young, I can’t get insurance! I am paying for others to be covered but if I have to be hospitalized between now and next month I could be forced to bankruptcy. I suppose the upside to that scenario is that then I will be poor and can have the taxpayers pay for my health coverage.
David C. Davis
Onemo, Va.

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