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Letter: Have we lost our humanity?

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
In today’s political climate, it seems that many have allowed their political views to define who they are rather than simply reflect what they believe. When personal identity is tied so closely to ideology, any challenge to one’s worldview feels like a personal attack rather than an opportunity for meaningful discussion. As a result, civil discourse has become nearly impossible.
No progress can be made when each side views the other as the enemy rather than as fellow human beings. Have we lost our ability to see each other as people rather than political opponents? We are all in the same boat, yet instead of working together to keep it afloat, we argue over the best way to plug the holes—while the ship continues to sink.
If we truly want to solve the challenges we face, we must stop attacking one another and start listening. Name-calling and demonization do nothing to move the conversation forward. We don’t have to agree, but we must be willing to engage with ...

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