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Letter: Guard against Medicare fraud

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
Medicare Fraud Prevention Week, June 2-8, focuses on actions the entire community can take to help older neighbors protect themselves against Medicare fraud.
Medicare fraud is big business with over $60 billion in taxpayer dollars lost each year due to unscrupulous practices and billing. Everyone in your community is affected by Medicare fraud. The following are some actions you can begin taking today to help fight against Medicare fraud.
As a Medicare beneficiary, learn how to read your Medicare Summary Notices. Is your personal information correct? Was Medicare billed for services you actually received? Are you a caregiver? Caregivers play an immensely important role in their loved one’s lives. By educating themselves, caregivers can help their loved ones prevent, detect and report health care fraud. Families can reinforce the importance of protecting Medicare numbers. Medicare numbers are for life and should be protected against someone causing health care h...

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