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Letter: Get rid of political parties

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
Have you ever imagined how much easier it would be for this country to govern if there were no political parties? Think about it. If there were no Democratic or Republican party, there would be no organized partisanship in Congress. There would be no national, state or local party apparatus to dictate who we have on the ballot to vote for. There would be no national or statewide fundraising efforts for their candidates, no need for Super PAC fundraising, no need for never-ending television ads, and all candidates would be required to file for ballot access as unaffiliated candidates. More importantly, conservative and liberal organizations would lose their influence on members of Congress since members could vote as individuals and not be required to follow a party line. Imagine how much more effective the Congress would be under this scenario.
The two major parties completely control our political process. Anyone wanting to run for any office must be nominated...

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