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Letter: Foster for Congress

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
Congressional candidate David Bruce Foster not only gives Gloucester a chance to have direct representation in the House of Representatives, but also a candidate who is a voice for We the People of District 1.
An independent conservative, Mr. Foster is a patriot, veteran, and holds a bachelor’s in business administration in economics. He favors a 12-year term limit for members of Congress. He opposes the H.R. 5 mandate for schools and churches to allow boys in girls’ restrooms and locker rooms, and putting an end to mixed gender sports. He is pro-life and pro 1st and 2nd Amendment rights. He has the courage to fight white collar crimes; grow the economy with hemp industries (a $1 trillion worldwide market); favors only paper ballots with unique serial numbers for each voter and hand count all ballots; supports/honors fishermen, law enforcement and the military.
Mr. Foster’s campaigns are self-funded: in 2020 for CD2 and this year in CD1. Mr. Foster contrasts wi...

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