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Letter: For Winebarger

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
As citizens of Gloucester County, we have a very important duty to perform on Nov. 2. We vote. There are many concerns here in the county involving a seemingly endless list of “wants” from county government and the school system.
Funding for our local government services, our schools, salaries, maintenance, law enforcement, etc., all these services are funded from our real estate, personal property and sales taxes, as well as funds from the state and federal government (all of which are our tax dollars).
County government and the school system need to do their very best while keeping our real estate and personal property taxes low. Sorting through their funding lists to determined real “needs” versus the “wants” requires the experience Mike Winebarger brings from his eight years as the Petsworth supervisor.
Mike Winebarger is a true fiscal conservative. He is an avid supporter of our sheriff, fire department and first responders. Winebarger is also a strong sup...

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