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Letter: For Winebarger

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
Why would a successful attorney (Mr. Gibson) run against the two-term conservative Mr. Winebarger?
Simply, a single vote on last year’s budget on the use of funds from the sales tax referendum. The BOS voted 5 to 2, with Hutson and Smith dissenting, for a budget to meet the needs of the schools while not raising your real estate and personal property taxes. The overriding issue was the interpretation of the language of the bill passed in the state legislature as to the meaning of the guidance on the use of the revenue for “new construction and major renovation.” Legal opinions differed.
The school system wanted all the revenue for a larger renovation of the high school, but the BOS held firm on a renovation in the $42 million range, plus funded five years of school capital projects this year. All without raising property taxes.
The clear implication of Mr. Gibson’s campaign is a redo of the vote on the budget.
He runs against the conservative Republican-nominat...

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