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Letter: Federal debt is a form of theft

Editor, Gazette-Journal:

The Congress and the Executive go round and round about raising the current debt level.

With a debt level estimated to be in excess of $50 trillion, both funded and unfunded obligations, every dollar of debt that is allowed is a form of theft. First, it will never be paid. So instead the government will slowly or rapidly inflate away its value so that any part of the debt is paid with less than the original. This steals from the debt holders even though they do get some interest.

Due to the reserve currency status of our money, it steals from all who hold our dollars on a worldwide basis. This would include a small businessperson who might accept U.S. dollars for a service in some far third-world country and who might expect it to be more valuable than it is. It is theft from all who are on a fixed income and who depend on Social Security for part or all of their support. It is even theft from those who receive free support from welfare and food stamps....

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